JS8 – Like FT8, But more personal.

I’ve recently made a few videos on the digital mode js8. I say js8 is “like” ft8, because it offers very similar benefits in environments with weak propagation or high noise floors. But it brings back the personal connection that ft8 lacks. It also still includes some of those nice automated features that facilitate a QSO. Where FT8 Falls Short. […]

Host a YSF Reflector on Debian Linux

A lot of guides follow the install on a raspberry pi. Today we will focus on installing a YSFReflector on Debian Linux. We will also cover installing the dashboard, and configuring PiStar to connect to your reflector, as well as registering your reflector online so others may join. Creating Sudo User First we need to create our super user. We […]

Why I Prefer Digital Ham Radio Modes

It’s a big debate these days. One group in the amateur radio community would tell you digital modes like FT8 are killing the hobby. Ask another, and they will say digital modes are saving it. I’m not going to get into the guts of why each one may they the way they do. I’m simply here to talk about why […]

How Baofengs have Helped Amateur Radio

Baofeng radios have been a hot topic in the ham radio community. They have also recently been under fire from the FCC. These cheap radios have been the source of much controversy. But the Baofeng UV5R has a special place in my heart, as the start of my journey into Amateur Radio, and many others. Let’s look into how Baofengs […]

Amazon Taking on UnCertified Baofengs and Wireless Devices

A few weeks ago the FCC issued a notice warning users about using Radios illegally. The intent was to combat the mass use in protests and other rumors suggesting they were used to coordinate attacks. Amazon has moved to crackdown on unlicensed and uncertified “RF Devices” within their website. You can view their post on the amazon seller forums here:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/forums/t/action-required-for-radio-frequency-device-listings-on-amazon-com/781188New […]

Winlink With ARDOP E-Mail over Ham Radio

There used to be a time when you can only use software like Winlink with expensive PACTOR modems. This is no longer the case with many new SoundModems and protocols available. Once such protocol we will be talking about is ARDOP, The Amateur Radio Digital Open Protocol. It was made to replace WINMOR by providing better speed, and a more […]