Share Soundcard between Direwolf and VARA on Linux

I wish I could make this one simple, but we are getting into complex territory. Please read the instructions and follow along carefully. This is not something I recommend doing without knowing your way around Linux, and so the basics are not covered(it would be too long). this should let you share the same soundcard between direwolf and other apps […]

Host your own FCC Ham Radio Database for Offline Use with HamDB

First, I want to give all credit for this blog post and script to this website(, and the ham who created it (K3NG). The only reason I am posting it here is to walk through the database installation portion, and show how the database can be expanded onto to include extra information, as well as add some more detailed documentation. […]

How to Secure your Packet BBS / BPQ32 or LinBPQ Instance

After some security research in the packet radio BBS communities, I noticed a major lack of best security practices. I wrote a blog post on it here if your curious. I pointed out WHY things are problematic in the cybersecurity field, and gave a few pointers. This post is a follow up that I can share with others that shows […]

APRS on Linux with YAAC (Yet another APRS Client) and Direwolf

This is the counter blog post to the windows version with pinpoint here. The blog follows along with our Modern Introduction to Packet Radio. Please note, that before proceeding below, you need to have a working dire wolf configuration for your radio. If you do not yet have the dire wolf TNC working with your radio, please follow the documentation […]

Create your own TAK Server in the Cloud or at Home

Why are we talking about TAK on an amateur radio blog? One of the big uses for amateur radio is disaster preparedness. Disaster relief efforts require a degree of communciation and coordination between different individuals and different groups to be successful. TAK (Tactical Awareness Kit) allows us to do just that. I also have some big plans for TAK and […]