Installing VARA on Debian 12 Linux

I started a project that required I run VARA on linux. I tried following some documentation from winlink, and the first 5 pages of google didn’t get me anywhere. The write ups were old, and there were just too many snags. I got it working, so I thought it best to document it here, and maybe help another poor lsot […]

Create your own TAK Server in the Cloud or at Home

Why are we talking about TAK on an amateur radio blog? One of the big uses for amateur radio is disaster preparedness. Disaster relief efforts require a degree of communciation and coordination between different individuals and different groups to be successful. TAK (Tactical Awareness Kit) allows us to do just that. I also have some big plans for TAK and […]

Direwolf and JNOS for Modern Packet Radio

I’ve been doing deep dives into packet radio. Most of the time I make notes on theses adventures, but decided I should probably blog these as well. That way everyone can benefit. So this won’t be the most pretty post, but it will get you up and running. Our goal is to setup JNOS with Direwolf to create a BBS, […]

IP over Ham Radio via New Packet Radio

When I first got into ham radio several years ago, I experimented with transferring webpages via PSK31. I dreamt of a network of amateur radio operators with the ability to browse an internal internet “off grid” via ham radio. I later learned about AREDN/Modified Wifi for Ham radio, and AX25 over IP, but there were some shortcomings for my use. […]

Noise Suppression AI and Ham Radio. A Perfect Mix?

I was tweaking some setting with my microphone and had a crazy thought. Why don’t we use the same software used in content production to reduce noise on amateur radio? Sure, modern radios come with some built in digital noise reduction, but nothing compares to what is on the market for PCs these days. So i sought out to combine […]

FCC makes Notice in Response to Ham Radio Use in Protests

The FCC has made a statement regarding the use of using radios (Ham, FRS, and GMRS) to commit crimes and communicate illegal activity over the airwaves. This notice, DA 21-73 can be viewed here: Not much to unpack here given the current world events and the obvious use of radio in recent (and past) riots and protests. They have […]