
Modern Introduction to Packet Radio, AX25, APRS and TCP/IP

As time moves on, I think it’s important to revisit older, but relevant technologies from time to time that still have a place in the modern age. With time, words seem to loose their meaning, resources fade into obscurity, and we loose those that were mentors. I only started amateur radio 5 years ago. I’ve had a fascination with packet […]

Installing VARA on Debian 12 Linux

I started a project that required I run VARA on linux. I tried following some documentation from winlink, and the first 5 pages of google didn’t get me anywhere. The write ups were old, and there were just too many snags. I got it working, so I thought it best to document it here, and maybe help another poor lsot […]

Host a Website from your Xiegu X6100

One of the main reasons I bought the Xiegu X6100 was the fact it was running a Linux kernel with root access. I’m not sure if Xiegu intended this, but it’s here so I’m going to use it. I think we are still sleeping on a lot of use case for this. Youtube channels such as TemporarilyOffline have highlighted this […]

Create your own TAK Server in the Cloud or at Home

Why are we talking about TAK on an amateur radio blog? One of the big uses for amateur radio is disaster preparedness. Disaster relief efforts require a degree of communciation and coordination between different individuals and different groups to be successful. TAK (Tactical Awareness Kit) allows us to do just that. I also have some big plans for TAK and […]